Pet Health Professionals


This site is for companion animal, ruminant, swine and poultry professionals in the South African animal health industry.

It provides access to a wide range if informational videos to support the use of Elanco products.


By registering and accessing MyElanco you are confirming you are a Vet, Farmer, or other professional working in the animal health or closely related industry in South Africa.



Seresto Cats
Elanco AdvantixElanco Milbemax Fence GapElanco Seresto DogsSeresto
Advocate - Ear MitesAdvocate - Spirocerca

Elanco™ Animal Health (Pty) Ltd, Reg No.: 2019/163893/07. N1 Business Park, Old Pretoria Road, Kosmosdal Ext 7, 0157. Private Bag X119, Bryanston, 2021. Tel: +27 12 657 6200 Fax: +27 12 657 6216. PM-ZA-22-0354. Elanco™ and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco™ or its affiliates.